Secure Parking.

Parking Tarrifs.

Gateway Expands its Special Needs Parking

Making the super-regional mall’s wide range of stores and services more accessible to everyone, Gateway has increased the number of parking bays allocated to Special Needs visitors.

An increased number of bays, painted blue with bold signage to make them very distinctive, can be found near Entrance 5, Ground Floor at Parkade B.

Four categories of Special Needs parkings are allocated to specific groups. The blue parkings display signage which indicates which type of Special Needs visitor is permitted to use that parking.

  • Disabled (permit holders): These bays are for those with mobility impairments, including wheelchair users.

  • Frail/Disabled (non-permit holders): Those with conditions that inhibit their movement are permitted to park in these bays. This includes arthritis, chronic fatigue, ambulant, dexterity and continence impairments.

  • Parents with infants up to 3 years old: Visitors with infants who use a car seat or pram can use these bays.

  • Moms-to-be: To give heavily pregnant moms-to-be with chronic pregnancy-related complications a break, there are special parkings designated for their use.

The person with the Special Need must be present for the bays to be used. Gateway appeals to visitors to respect the bay allocations and will deter their abuse with wheel clamping.

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